Writing about the crazies in Florida brought back memories of walking past my local Indie book store and seeing their "banned books" display. I was always proud of myself for those books, on the list, that I had already read as well as those that I wanted to read because they were on the list.
Time to revisit that list and the next Banned Books week. Brought to you by those wild and crazy librarians over at the American Library Association, this years Banned Books week is coming up in late September.
Here is the list of classics that have been challenged, slandered and banned.
Bottom line, if you don't like a book, don't read it. If you don't like what is on the teevee, change the channel, and, if you don't like what is playing on a CD or the radio, don't listen.
I cherish my intellectual freedom. Hoping you do too.
Queen Bitch