When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a bitch. -Bette Davis
What is going on here? Seriously. Why can a man have an opinion that is valid, respected and listened to while, most times, a woman's opinion is called irrational, hysterical or bitchy? I've had this happen all of my professional life but what happened today is the straw that has broken the proverbial camel's back.
A meeting is called at work to discuss questions surrounding an addendum to a company manual. It is a mandatory meeting to specifically address questions employees have about the addendum. The meeting occurs, questions remain and I, as the office manager, am asked by my employees to get them clarification.
I send an email to the partners. I ask them very specific questions that have been asked by their employees. Instead of getting an email back that addresses the questions, or, clarifies a horribly written and extremely vague addendum, I get my assed chewed. For what? For asking the questions.
I was told I was not "rational." What the hell does that mean? Would they tell a male manager that he wasn't rational? Or, would they pat him on the back for taking the initiative to do his job and act as a liasion between staff and partners? I am betting on the latter.
Telling a female employee, who asks questions or addresses concerns about what is going on at work, that she isn't rational is sexist. Women are constantly being referred to as hysterical, irrational, moody, emotional, or just plain old bitchy.
It isn't our fault they don't like the questions. And, really, this whole thing was about the questions and the gender of the typist who sent the email.
Queen Bitch